Follows Nina, a talented pianist who has lupus. She forges an unexpected yet strong connection with Gabriel, one of the doctors on the team who takes care of her and gives her to confidence to play wi...
When whip-smart Cambodian doctor Thony De La Rosa comes to the United States for medical treatment to save her ailing son, she soon discovers her path won't be as straightforward as she had hope...
At the U.S. Secret Operations Center a small group of doctors led by Kim Delaney are experimenting with a metallic skin on a frozen cadaver. This particular body is that of a secret agent that succu...
The doctors from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital spring into action to save the lives of two girls with a powerful story. Meanwhile, Meredith tries to cope with the fact that Amelia is now living with he...
有些人,一旦错过就不再。'The Chariot' tells the story of a corporation and doctor (John Malkovich) that oversees the process of reincarnation, and a young man (Thomas Mann) who becomes a glitch in the system when...