Set against the backdrop of Trinidad and Tobago's mystical Carnival, a gifted and struggling young man becomes the object of intrigue for an older, well-meaning businessman until their worlds co...
After some tragedies, a couple moves back to her childhood home. Robert discovers an old portrait of a man who looks like him, he goes down a rabbit hole to discover the identity of this mysterious ...
After some tragedies, a couple moves back to her childhood home. Robert discovers an old portrait of a man who looks like him, he goes down a rabbit hole to discover the identity of this mysterious ...
Traveling back in time to the early 2000s, this gripping narrative brings together the concurrent histories of two serial killers and the terror they inflicted upon Baton Rouge and much of its surro...
Sometimes the past comes back to bite you. Two rival mob families are transferred from the Witness Protection Agency by mistake to same city, Temecula, CA无论昏暗多么漫长,总会有人为你点亮一盏灯。...
The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'gMaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to the zombie plague有些人注定只是过客,而有些过客,却会在心中留下永恒的印记...
The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'gMaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to the zombie plague有时候,我们需要的不是安慰,而是一个可以依靠的肩膀。...
Jim Jefferies is back and no topic is off limits. The comedian muses on stoned koalas, his dad's vasectomy confusion, choosing between his hair and his sex drive and more每个人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去。...