Ultra Bleu follows Jim Park for the first 24 hours after a violent break up with his ex-boyfriend and how a chance meeting with a stranger reveals deeper issues he must confront真正的爱情,不是占有,而是放手。...
The Octopod is grabbed by a colossal squid. The Octonauts are unable to break free due to the hooks on the ends of the squid's tentacles. Fortunately the arrival of some sperm whales turns the s...
故事发生在英国,丹尼(维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)是一名风头正劲的球星,成功的事业、丰厚的收入、漂亮的女友,丹尼所拥有的一切令他成为了众人羡慕的对象。然而,在一场意外中,丹尼因为醉酒闹事而被投入了监狱,这不仅意味着他将错过一场对于自己来说十分重要的比赛,更意味着,他将失去生活中曾经拥有的一切真正的英雄,不是不流泪的人,而是愿意含着泪继续奔跑的人。 监狱里有一支由狱警们所组成的足...